Visual Sequential Narrative

I took a more artistic approach in this project. I wanted to convey the feeling of separation going on right now for a lot of people around the world. When we finally do get to see each other we feel happy, which is why I incorporated yellow at the bottom as the fingers touched. I took pictures of me and my boyfriends hands and used those to draw the line art. I enjoyed doing this and really like the message that I wanted to get across.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the images you plan on using to tell us a story. :) You've had some great ideas and techniques.

  2. I love this image and the message it's portraying. I know I am definitely missing a lot of people right now including my boyfriend and this image really resonates with me. The line art and pop of color at the bottom are all working really well and I think you've done a great job!

  3. I love this! You definitely hit a nerve as alot of relationships (including mine) are suddenly long distance now. The hands are well done I would just say maybe make the yellow stand out more just to convery that feeling since right now it is a little muted!

  4. I really like how you chose to convey the narrative aspect of this project! I like that you chose something relevant to a lot of people right now. It looks pretty finished too.

  5. I like the relevance of the image given current events. The illustration is also really well done, nice job.

  6. I love the simplicity of this, you know your story is powerful when it doesn't have to be fully explained to be understood. Great work!

  7. love this idea for a narrative and the way you are starting to portray the story. I feel you can take this idea further to make it more creative.

  8. I really enjoy this. It's so simple yet can create so much content in your head as you think of the meanings this can create. Emphasizing the touch of the hands is a great idea because of the image showing this want of the touch.

  9. From Lauren B -Lauren Creed

    I absolutely love your illustration, it's very fitting for the current pandemic we are living through and your reference to Michelangelo's hands is genius. Have you tried making a pattern with this illustration? I really think you could push this idea further!

  10. From Cameron

    I love the way you took this and how you’re using the current situation in your story. It does a good job so far of showing sequence and I think once you play with it some more it’ll be really cool!


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